Lydia is one of many abandoned wives in Uganda. She lives...
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"Binji" is Lugandan for Abundance
“I have come that they might have abundant life.” John 10:10

Our Back Story
In 2018, through some “chance events,” (but there are NO coincidences!) my son, Nathaniel, connected over Facebook with a young Ugandan man named Musumba. They developed a friendship, and Nathaniel learned that Musumba, too, had a mother who was single and a strong believer. Nathaniel asked me to also connect with Musumba, which I reluctantly did, at last, in October of 2018.
The Father brought me together with this family, and I began to study the Bible with them regularly to answer their questions, particularly about Torah, Sabbaths and the Appointed Times. Fazira, Musumba’s mother, faithfully goes to the hospitals every weekend to pray and minister where needed. They begged me to come teach, and the Father told me to go spend four weeks with them in November (2019).
My brief season in Uganda connected me with several Messianic pastors (there are about 36 Messianic congregations in Uganda), and other pastors, too. In so many of those places, Fazira’s reputation as a woman of prayer and faith preceded us and provided me a warm reception because I was her guest.
There are many needs in Uganda, but a glaring need is to minister to widows and abandoned families. We teach believers the need to connect to be able to function as the Body of Messiah, which will in turn heal families, congregations and communities as hearts are changed.
"Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this:
to care for orphans and widows in their distress."
James 1:27
Recent Posts
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In November of 2019, we ministered to the congregation outside...
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Contact us
Send us an e-mail and let us know about your interest to help Ugandan widows and abandoned families. We will pair you with a family (or families).