The Binji is About Changing Hearts in Uganda






Our Mission

To practice “true religion” (James 1:27) to the widows and fatherless of Uganda, and to help rebuild families and marriages on a Biblical foundation.

We believe in equipping, teaching and empowering Ugandan widows, abandoned families and communities:

  • To encourage and bring hope to desperately poor widows and abandoned families in Uganda.
  • To assist widows and abandoned families with
    basic needs of food and shelter.
  • To teach women entrepreneurial and
    marketable skills.
  • To provide “seed money” as start-up capital for their new businesses.
  • To create a marketplace to sell Ugandan items
    at Western prices, increasing profitability.

Join Us in Fall 2020

…for a life-changing mission trip to work with the Messianic believers of Uganda to impact their culture for the Kingdom! . 

Needs:  construction, teaching, medical, craft training, youth ministry.